Module 1:
Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number system representation and their conversions
,ASCII, EBDIC, Gray codes and their conversions
,Signed binary number representation with 1's, 2's, 9's and 10's complement methods
,Binary arithmetic. Boolean algebra
,Various Logic gates- their truth tables and circuits
,Implementation of various logic Gates using Universal Logic Gate
,Representation in SOP and POS forms
,Minimization of logic expressions by algebraic method
,K-map method
,Quine-McCluskey minimization technique (Tabular Method)
,Module 2:
Combinational circuits
Half Adder, Full Adder, Serial & Parallel Adder
,Carry Look Ahead Adder
,BCD Adder
,Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor circuits
,Adder-Subtractor Circuit
,priority encoder
,Module 3:
Sequential Circuits
Tuned amplifier
,Operating principle of JFET
,drain and transfer characteristics of JFET (n- channel and p-channel)
,E-MOSFET (n-channel and p-channel)
,D-MOSFET (n-channel and p- channel)
,Equivalent circuit of JFET and MOSFET
,Common gate amplifiers
Module 4:
Sequential Circuits
latch & Flip Flops-S-R
,Conversion of Flip Flops
,Various types of Shift Registers SISO, PISO, SIPO, PIPO
,Bidirectional & Universal Shift
,Modulus Counters Synchronous
,Asynchronous, Irregular, Self-Correcting Ring & Johnson Counter
,state transition diagrams and state transition tables
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